Savannah Craig – Age 19
What course are you studying at the Skills Village?
Bricklaying Level 2 with Yorkshire Coast College
Where do you live?
Eastfield, Scarborough
What attracted you to a course in construction and what led you into it?
My Dad is a multi skilled worker in the construction industry and let me go to work with him on a weekend. I soon picked up bits from each trade and I knew instantly construction was for me.
What qualifications did you need to get on the course?
I did not make English and Maths grade C or above at school so Yorkshire Coast College are supporting me with this now.
Did they get any careers advice in school that helped them decide on this career?
Nobody took me serious at school and said that if I did not take my future serious I would be on the dole. When really it was them not taking me serious
What are the best/worst things about their experience at the Skills Village?
Best experience is feeling like you are going to work. It is a site environment and you get to work in a team. Also having one to one support from Joanne Hakings who arranged my work experience for me with Yorkshire Coast Homes. Joanne helped me fill in my application form and made me an appointment with Scarborough Jobmatch to touch up on my interview skills and I got the job at the end of it.
Worst Experience is the weather. It is cold in the winter , however I needed to experience this to make me work ready. Its always warm in a college classroom 24-7.
Where do you expect to be when you complete your course and how do you see your careers in a few years from now?
Well as soon as my course finishes in June I start my job at Yorkshire Coast Homes the following Monday. I would love to think I can progress my way to the top with this company then in around 15 years time I could have my own company.
Construction is male dominated, how have you found the experience as one of the few females on the course and how would you advise younger girls thinking of choosing a career in construction?
I was completely fine right from the start. I am used to being around males so I didn’t feel nervous one bit and I was right not to be. You are treated no different at college or at the Skills Village. Even on my work experience with Yorkshire Coast Homes there was no male or female divide.